Rimino: A concept for an attractive, invisible and more integrated mobile experience

“The mobile experience we have today is basically designed for tech-savvy businessmen,” says designer Amid Moradganjeh. This is a mistake, he thinks. There is another group of people out there, a bigger group. They have an “average digital life,” meaning that they don’t have to process hundreds of emails a day while running from meeting to meeting. While many of them do have a rich digital existence on the desktop, they see little need to stay fully connected when they go outside. One explanation for this is that smartphones simply haven’t become cheap enough and that, inevitably, we’ll all come to own one. Moradganjeh wonders if for many people an iPhone/Android smartphone is too complicated and too much power. For his thesis project, he engaged in a program of research and speculative design which resulted in Rimino, “an attractive, invisible and more integrated experience.”

Rimino – A Human Touch on Mobile Experience from Amid Moradganjeh on Vimeo.

The Rimino concept might not be exactly right, but shows why thinking about user experience design from the perspective of different users is so powerful.